Ma’Aref’s Logo Rationale
Ma’Aref’s identity reflects the Company’s strategic intent to competitively position and lead in the oil, gas, energy and other industry, with emphasis on Safety & Productivity-enhancing technologies.
The visual signature comprises the initials of the company:
‘m’ & ‘a’; ‘Ma’Aref's as in Rumi’s Ma’Aref
implying and encompassing ‘knowledge’;
while at the same time 'not knowing' as 'What am I - nothing!'
in the cosmic sense when related to our Creator.
The modern and effective style of the logo is uniquely designed for easy recognition with a tint of professionalism.
The vibrant orange represents our energetic passion in working with our customers with knowledge and our dedicated teamwork, whilst the dark gray portrays our strong and stable foundation in our ability to provide the best Support and Services.
About Ma’Aref’
We are a ‘Technologie-Oriented’ Marketing and Services providing Company that offers our industry latest, yet simple, safe, and user-friendly technologies that will greatly enhanced productivity and revenue - achievable through greater Safety and Time-saving in Maintenance – all at an unbelievably little expense.
Ma’Aref further provides On-Site Precision Bolting Services to enhance Safety, Productivity, Efficiency, and Time-Saving in Plant Maintenance and Plant Erection.
Ma’Aref targets industries where the following are genuine Management concerns:
- Safety of both Plant Equipment and Personnel.
- Achieving near maximum designed production from their Plants, if not surpassing it.
- Time-Reduction in maintenance activity in ATAs - Bolting alone can help save at 50 - 70% time.
- Never having a ‘bolting-related’ maintenance shutdown - ever; or a need for ‘HOT BOLTING’.
- Achieving a guaranteed and Certified ‘LEAKAGE-ZERO’ pressure-vessel test the very first time.
- Protecting Nuts & Bolts - cocoon them from corrosive weather effects - particularly near the sea.
- Corrosion removal, prevention & protection of concrete and steel structures.
- Maintaining a Clean & Green environment: Water-Sand Blasting with no environmental issues, and more! And<
- In the event of an accidental fire, being able to immediately respond to it in-house to extinguish it ; in seconds, using minimal water and, without any collateral damaging. Or better still, install the Automated ‘Water-Mist’ Fire Extinguishing System (it is superseding the ‘Sprinkler’ system in vogue, rendering it obsolete).
And lots more!
Ma’Aref’ priority remains to impart theoretical & ‘HANDS-ON’ training to achieve LEAK-FREE bolted joint assemblies. Certified Bolting Courses are also available ~ with choice of either HYTORC or Skill Development Council Certification.
Ma’Aref Aims to:
- Establish a lasting business relationship with our Clients, based on visible performance, sound work ethics and trust.
- Provide 24/7 After-Sales Support and Services - immediate response to our customers' needs.
- Impart training and provide advisory support to our Clients.
- Provide Bolting Consultancy for Bolting Upgrades that will guarantee a Certified 'LEAKAGE-ZERO' Turn-around with No Hot Bolting – and a money back guarantee!
- Provide Precision Bolting Services to enhance Safety, Productivity, Efficiency, and Time-Saving in Plant maintenance.